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OUR Church Values

Our Church Values


Melbourne Methodist Church

is focused on God the Holy Trinity

– worship lies at its heart.


Melbourne Methodist Church is relational

– welcoming and providing hospitality;

listening and open to change.


Melbourne Methodist Church seeks to be relevant – shaping itself to the local community.


Melbourne Methodist Church makes disciples

– calling people to faith, encouraging gifts, transforming individuals.


Melbourne Methodist Church is transformational

– existing for the transformation of our church,

the wider community and the world.






Recognise that all individuals are

at different points on a faith journey.


Encourage and enable young

people to lead change.


Encourage and enable older members to continue active church roles.


Be inclusive and not exclusive in all we do.


Always try to see the world

through God's eyes

Melbourne Methodist Church

email us from here!


Church Street, Melbourne

South Derbyshire, DE73 8EJ

United Kingdom

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@2019 by Melbourne Methodist Church. Web editor Mark Dale

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